If you are looking for a dance class for your young dancer, a class that is more than just ‘pretend fairy ballet’, without alot of students in the class, where caring individual attention can be provided, then this class is for your child. We understand at JPSD that it is very important to start off right with good foundations in which to build upon in the older classes. Your 3 year old dancer can experience the wonderful joy of dance through the purposefully planned movement skills. Age appropriate props are used in class to aid training and stimulate muscle memory – your child can even experience acrobatics arts and beyond – from a certified trainer! How exciting will this be!
Please call Jan for a spot for your child. Thursdays from 4.00pm to 4.45pm – (still having time for the school pick-up).
Alot of encouragement and enthusiasm is given to your child so come take the dance journey with us – experiencing all that we have to offer – we know what we are doing!
Your young dancer can participate in JPSD end of year performances, where a senior dancer will dance on stage to assist – even other older students love to perform with the younger ones! See pictures below.
Offering a supportive and caring environment for imagination and creativity to grow and florish!

Two of our beautiful ‘Preludes’ with their new tap shoes.